Welcome to the 18th Bristol Scouts.

Fun and adventure for children aged 6 to 14.

Our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts earn badges, learn whilst having fun, develop their sense of adventure and independence, and generally have a great time.

Marshmallows are roasted. Skills are learnt. Lifelong memories are formed.

Everyone is welcome.

Our sections

6 – 8 years

Try new things. Make friends.

8 – 10½ years

Master new skills. Have adventures.

10½ – 14 years

Explore the world. Challenge yourself.

Interested in joining us?

18th Bristol is a popular group so we run waiting lists for most of our sections. If your child is interested in joining Beavers, Cubs or Scouts, please complete the Cabot Scouts waiting list enquiry form.

Community hall hire.

At 18th Bristol we are fortunate to own our own building.

Our hall in Cotham (a short walk from Redland station) is available for hire for Yoga classes, kids’ birthday parties, committee meetings and more.

Find out more about hiring our hall. All income is used to support our activities.