Mondays (6-7pm)*

The Beaver Colony is the first and youngest section of the Scout Group for children aged between 6 and 8.

Beavers are introduced to outdoor activities, have the opportunity to be creative, explore their local community and make new friends – having lots of fun along the way.

Interested in joining us?

18th Bristol is a popular group so we run waiting lists for most of our sections. If your child is interested in joining Beavers, Cubs or Scouts, please complete the Cabot Scouts waiting list enquiry form.

Useful information

On your first session at Beavers you’ll be taking part in lots of activities and should just wear something you feel comfortable in. Eventually you’ll get your own Beaver uniform to wear to meetings and on trips and nights away.

Wearing a uniform is comfy and practical. It means no one feels uncomfortable or left out and helps everyone to feel a part of the Colony. It also gives you a place to show off all the Beaver badges you earn.

For Beavers, the uniform consists of a blue sweatshirt with your badges sewn on and a coloured scarf or ‘necker’ to represent your local group. There are lots of other optional accessories you can wear such as hats and hoodies. Uniform can either be bought from the official Scout Store or from a local supplier. If you’re not sure where to start, adult volunteers can give you more information about what to buy and where to buy it.

Beavers is designed to be an accessible and affordable way for young people to learn lots of new skills.

Fees for 2025 are £45 per term, with three terms each year. Fees help cover the costs of materials, equipment and maintaining the hut. Trips, camps and activities that take place away from the hut are usually charged separately.

Nobody should feel excluded because of money worries. If you are concerned about costs please speak to the section leader in confidence, to see what we can do to help. In most cases, support is available to make sure nobody misses out.

*Timings are occasionally changed to make the most of evening light, or if we have special activities planned. Weekly arrangements are communicated via WhatsApp.